The Walker Brothers in … Barbados!

The Walker brothers were born and bred in Barbados so it seems right that a copy of the book ‘The Walker Brothers and Their Legacy – Three Black Soldiers in World War One’ should be held on the island and where better than the Barbados Museum’s prestigious Shilstone Memorial Library.

Bill Hern of Historycal Roots travelled to Barbados to hand across a copy of the book. He gave a presentation to the Barbados Museum and Historical Society in the beautiful Walled Garden of the Museum at the Garrison, St Michael. His presentation covered the Walker Brothers and also his journey last year to visit every World War 1 Commonwealth War Grave in Barbados.

He can be seen here presenting a copy of the book to Harriet Pierce Librarian at the Shilstone Memorial Library with Alissandra Cummins Director of the Museum and Historical Society looking on.

It’s good to know that the Walkers will be remembered forever on their home island of Barbados.