There are too few stories about women on the Historycal Roots website. We correct the balance slightly with our latest article by John Ellis which is about Charlotte Gardiner, a black woman who was hanged in 1780 for her part in the Gordon riots. Charlotte did not speak in her own defence when she appeared at the Old Bailey and so we have only the prosecution’s side of the story and this inevitably shows her in a less than favourable light.
Nevertheless, the black presence at major events in British history, which is so often overlooked, is worth recording even where that presence was at inglorious events like the Gordon riots.
As this is International Women’s Day it is appropriate to celebrate some of the stories on our site that feature women. There are links below to a small selection of stories that we have featured over the years, if you missed them when they were published (and even if you didn’t) they are well worth exploring!
First, the new article:
And now some articles you may have seen before:
Amanda Aldridge

Dido Elizabeth Belle

Mona Baptiste

Edna Chavannes

Nadia Cattouse
International Women’s Day – Amanda Aldridge
We celebrate International Women’s Day 2021 by publishing a new page on our website about Amanda Aldridge. Amanda was born on 10th March and died on the 9th of that month so celebrating her life today is particularly timely.
Some may know Amanda’s story, for others her surname may ring a bell. Whether it is just to refresh your memory or to learn about her from scratch, you can read about her here