James Walvin: Equiano, the slave trade and the cause of freedom

It’s always a pleasure to meet someone who has a written a book that graces your bookshelf. James Walvin, who has devoted 50 years of his life to researching and writing about black British history, spoke eloquently at the American International Church in London recently on the subject of ‘Equiano: the slave trade and the cause of freedom’.

James book ‘An African’s Life: The Life and Times of Olaudah Equiano’ was first published almost 20 years ago, maybe it’s a little out of date now but it is still a very good read. It takes Equiano’s own words as the starting point for a discussion of the historical context for Equiano’s life and times.  Anyone who wants to know more about the world Equiano lived in could do far worse than getting hold of a copy.

There is an interesting interview with James here, it dates from 2007 but that doesn’t diminish its interest: https://archives.history.ac.uk/1807commemorated/interviews/walvin.html