Eulogy in Leeds

There is a fantastic exhibition on display at Leeds Central Library at the moment but do hurry if you want to see it as it is due to close on 8 September 2019.

Eulogy is based around the lives of 76 first generation Jamaicans who settled in Leeds between the 1940s and 1960s. These 76 pioneers spent a combined total of 3,469 years living in Leeds, contributing to the ongoing success of the city and paving the way for their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

There is an element of sadness that all 76 have passed away but the overriding feeling is one of inspiration and celebration for all that they achieved.

There are stories of nurses, transport workers, RAF personnel and increasing recognition in the local community. The exhibition is well constructed, spacious and welcoming. It  is based around funeral programmes, other keepsakes, photographs and short accompanying narratives.

The Jamaica Society Leeds is responsible for the exhibition and they have certainly done a great job.

A very professionally produced newspaper called Eulogy has been produced and can be collected at the exhibition. It provides an excellent souvenir of a truly inspiring event.

The exhibition is possibly best summed up by this entry taken from the newspaper:

“Eulogy goes beyond media narratives of the Windrush generation as victims. Trailblazing community stalwarts and RAF servicemen sit alongside stories of triumph and heartbreak, and imagery of young couples in love, families and people making a living. These are human stories that everyone can relate to.”

It would be nice to think Eulogy will be so successful that its run will be extended but don’t take that chance, do visit it at Leeds Central Library before it closes on 8 September. You will not regret it!