Caribbean Women in the ATS from mid-1943 onwards

By Audrey Dewjee                                                                                     31st  January 2025

This article aims to bring together published information about the groups of women from the Caribbean region who came to Britain to serve in the ATS in World War 2, after the removal of colour restrictions in 1943. It will list the names of the women in each group, give details of the routes by which they came, and provide images of some of them.

There has long been uncertainty about how many women were involved, who they were, and exactly when they arrived. This is hardly surprising as so few records from those times appear to have survived. In order to try and clarify some of these points, I have drawn on four sources of information:

1. Passenger lists, where available.

2. Information from issues of the West India Committee Circular (abbreviated by me to WICC). By mid-1943, this was a monthly newsletter, issued by the West India Committee in London and circulated throughout the West Indies. It contained two regular columns, ‘West Indians on Service’, and ‘West Indian Service Visitors’. The first listed the names, rank and country of servicemen and women the Committee was aware of, and the second listed everyone who visited the Committee’s rooms at 40 Norfolk Street and signed the Service Visitor’s Book.[1]Copies of the West India Committee Circular have been digitised and can be found online at Throughout the war, the West India Committee acted as a point of contact for Caribbean volunteers, where they could meet their friends, store their belongings and collect mail from home.

3. Evidence from group photographs.

4. Published recollections from ATS members themselves.

Prior to the announcement in the Caribbean that women were being sought for enrolment in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (the women’s branch of the British army), a battle had taken place between the War Office and the Colonial Office in London. More women were needed for service in the ATS, especially by the British Mission in Washington DC, and the Caribbean area was seen as a source of new recruits. The War Office wanted to exclude all women of colour, and the Colonial Office was adamant that women of all races should be eligible for service – not for ethical reasons, but because they were afraid that exclusion of women of colour would lead to unrest in the colonies.

Ben Bousquet and Colin Douglas did a great deal of research at the National Archives and published a comprehensive account of what took place between the War and Colonial Offices in their book, West Indian Women at War.[2]Ben Bousquet and Colin Douglas, West Indian Women at War: British Racism in World War II, Lawrence & Wishart, 1991. I recommend anyone interested in the subject to read it. It is still in print, so it is easy to get hold of a copy either by purchase or through a local library.

In April 1943, while the battle between the War and Colonial Offices was raging, ATS Commander Doreen Venn was on her way to the Caribbean to see if there were sufficient suitable candidates for recruitment to posts at the British military mission in Washington DC. The War Office insisted that all these candidates had to be White but, by the time Commander Venn arrived, it had been decided that a limited number of women of all racial backgrounds could also be recruited for service in Britain. Commander Venn was ordered to give greater urgency to filling the Washington vacancies, as extra ATS help was desperately needed there. She was instructed to choose only the most highly qualified women, and to ensure that those chosen were well-educated and of ‘the right sort’. These instructions, in effect, limited the choice to mainly middle-class and upper-class women. It should be noted that, in 1943, class was as much a limitation on women’s ambitions as was race.

In Britain, the ATS was considered the least prestigious of the three women’s military services. Middle-class women often preferred to join the WRNS and the WAAF. The ATS contained women from all sections of the population, including a large working-class contingent. Therefore, the women from the Caribbean who joined the ATS in Britain tended to be of a higher social class than many of their fellow servicewomen. The Caribbean women who were recruited from the middle of 1943 came from many different backgrounds, including a few women who had all-White ancestry.

Examining the information in the sources mentioned above, I have compiled the following lists of names and details about the groups.

The First Group – arrived 14th October 1943

The first group of 24 women came from Jamaica. Most of these women were born on the island; one, and possibly a second, was born in England and the birthplace of one is as yet unknown. Their ages are as recorded on the passenger list, but some may be incorrect.

Marjorie Austin 19
Lucille May Barnett 28
Ruby Delphine Barnett 30
Ethel L. Bartlett 24
Winifred Elaine Beare 18
Inez Monica Bent 22
Dorothy Bonnier 29
Patricia Maud Coke-Kerr 20
Ena Joyce Collymore 26
Olga Ione Crawford 23
Laura Dutton 23
Mavis Dyball 21
Myrtle Eves 30
Mary Dorothy Fielding 22
Helen Elizabeth Fielding 21
Nellie Barbara Forrester 24
Phyllis Marguerite Gaynor 23
Carmen Dorothy Gill 19
Marguerite Forbes Irving 21   Born Christchurch, Hampshire, England
Audrey Lewis 28
Norma Dorothea Marsh 22
Avis Maria Marzink 27
Emily Joyce Robinson 22
Marjorie Lucille Scott 25

The group left Kingston on the SS Rimutaka on 14th September, arriving in New York on 23rd September. According to Nellie Forrester, the women enjoyed ‘three glorious days in New York visiting friends and relatives’ before leaving on the same ship to cross the Atlantic in convoy HX 259. They arrived at Avonmouth (Bristol) on 14th October 1943.

The November issue of the West India Committee Circular reported:

Twenty-four girls who were recently enlisted into the A.T.S. in Jamaica arrived safely in London in the middle of October. A number of West Indians who have travelled independently are already serving in the A.T.S., but this is the first organized party to arrive.

The girls were recruited by Senior Commander Doreen Venn during her recent visit to Jamaica and were chosen from a large number of volunteers.

Shortly after their arrival in London they reported…at the offices of the West India Committee, where they were welcomed [by senior members of the Committee]….

As they entered Norfolk Street from the Strand, they were met by a camera-man of the Colonial Film Unit, who made a film of their entry and reception at No. 40. After leaving the West India Committee they visited St. Paul’s and were filmed on the steps of the Cathedral….[3]Has this film survived?

The arrival of this party in London received a good “Press,” and a general write-up, with interviews and photographs, appeared in the Evening Standard, Evening News, Star and other newspapers.

After a brief stay in London, the girls left for their training depot. They were given special leave on October 28th to attend a tea party at the Colonial Office….The party was honoured by the presence of the Princess Royal, Controller Commandant of the A.T.S….

After inspecting the contingent, and shaking hands with each member, Her Royal Highness made a short speech of welcome which was replied to by Private M.F. Irving.

A letter from the Princess Royal, ‘written from Harewood House, Leeds,’ was printed in the December issue of WICC. It included a reference to the recruits.

‘At a recent meeting in the Colonial Office I had the pleasure of seeing and talking to a contingent of Jamaica girls who had volunteered for the A.T.S., of which I am Controller-Commandant, and I was very proud to welcome them into that fine service, and to congratulate them on the way in which they had come forward to devote themselves to the common cause.’

From: West India Committee Circular, November 1943
The Princess Royal [Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood] about to shake hands with ATS recruit Ena Collymore
Members of the first group of volunteers at their training centre, including Ena Collymore back row centre and Norma Marsh, back row right. Image courtesy National Army Museum, London
The Second Group – arrived 8th November 1943

The second group consisting of 30 women left Trinidad on SS Maaskerk on 6th October 1943 arriving in New York 19th October. They departed New York on 24th October, travelling in convoy HX 263, and arrived at Liverpool on 8th November.

This group included women from several parts of the Caribbean and British Guiana (now Guyana). Their names and countries of birth were as follows:

Gloria Thelma Archer Barbados 18
Hazel Louraine Blake Jamaica 24
Rita Adeline Butler Trinidad 33
Elaine Chee-A-Tow Br. Guiana 25
Margaret Alleyne Rudder Clairmonte Barbados 21
Emily Mary Greenhalgh Barbados 22
Helen Clinton Grieg France 18
Hazeline Odessa Gittens Barbados 32
Vivien Iris Huchoy Trinidad 20
Cynthia J. S. Baber Isaacs St. Vincent 30
Muriel Elaine Jackman Barbados 20
Leonine Ellanora Joseph Trinidad 29
Hilda Elizabeth Kent England 30
Mary Rita Catherine Duncan Kerr Grenada 24
Muriel Carmen Kerr Br. Guiana 35
Ethel Joan Kysh Barbados 33
Muriel Kimmy Lee Trinidad 26
Cynthia Enid Malone Nevis 23
Doreen Marcano England 20
Georgina Margery Masson England 19
Sheila Joyce McCracken Trinidad 19
Brenda Harrington Nurse Barbados 22
Audrey Patricia Pearce England 20
Patricia Kirkpatrick Pile England 19
Sybil Irma Robinson Trinidad 20
Agnes Albertha Scott Trinidad 23
Marjorie Elizabeth McGann Smith Trinidad 21
Sheila Catherine Sadler Br. Guiana 23
Sheila Ida Thornhill Trinidad 20
Kathleen Elaine Williams St. Vincent 29

The press took many photographs of this group of women and a feature article about them appeared in the popular British weekly magazine, Picture Post, on 4th December. The article noted that there were ‘some white girls in the party’ and quoted Patricia Pearce as an example. Photographs of Doreen Marcano and Georgina Masson, recorded as born in England on the passenger list, show that they were women of colour. Conversely, at least one White woman in the group had been born in the Caribbean.

From: West India Committee Circular, December 1943
West Indian ATS recruits waiting for transport to their training camp, 10 November 1943.
© IWM AP 14372D
The Third Group – arrived 24th July 1944

Shipping shortages delayed the departure of the third group of ATS volunteers for eight months. Every available space on ships was required for the build-up to D-Day which took place on 6th June 1944. The third group which left Trinidad on SS Maaskerk on 1st June, arrived in New York on the 14th. For some reason, Maaskerk did not sail as originally planned and arrived in Liverpool on the 24th July.  It seems likely that these women changed ships in New York, because they were reported in WICC as being entertained by the Duke of Devonshire at a reception at the Colonial Office on 21st July.[4]WICC, August 1944, p.148

The names of the latest arrivals were listed in the August issue of WICC 1944. Again the women had been resident in a variety of places in the Americas, prior to their enlistment.

Elsie Helena Affonso Br. Guiana 20
Joan Gordon Aitken Scotland 34
Edith Lorna Alleyne Grenada 25
Mabel Barbara Armstrong Barbados 22
Eileen C. Barratt Trinidad 21
Leah M.M. Bascus Grenada 19
Cynthia B.W. Boyd Dominica 20
Doris Ciceley Berkeley Trinidad 31
Camilla E. Cadet Panama Canal Zone / St. Lucia 22
Lilias De Freitas Br. Guiana 30
Flores Eusabia Deterville St. Lucia 22
Camille M.T. Du Boulay St. Lucia 18
Beryl Marjorie Dummett Br. Guiana 21
Marie Grace Evelyn St. Kitts 20
Carmen V. Faria Br. Guiana 24
Rosalind Hyacinth Gibson St. Vincent 26
Alma Elsie H. Greaves Barbados 19
Blanche C. Hackett Trinidad 32
Katherine M. Hinds Barbados 22
Ellice Lorna Honeychurch Dominica 22
Margaret J. Munro Grenada 19
Ena Clarisa Nicholas Trinidad 29
Dolly E. Pereira St. Kitts 25
Marjorie E. Ritchie Barbados 26
Lorna M. Roberts Trinidad 23
Agnes E. Smith Barbados 27
Margaret F. Smith Tobago 21
Florence M. St. Prix St. Lucia 27
Monica Louie Urich Trinidad 30
Daisy Iris Whyte Br. Guiana 31
From: West India Committee Circular, August, 1944


Another group photograph, taken with Sir john Jarvis Bt., MP for Guildford, in his garden,  was featured in the Trinidad Guardian of 27th January 1945. Five days earlier, the same paper had published another photograph of this event under the heading ‘Three from Trinidad’, which identified Blanche Hackett from Port-of-Spain (extreme left), Ena Nicholas (third from left) and Flores Deterville[5]Eusabia Nassisus Florence Deterville, known as Flores, was born in Castries, St. Lucia.  She went to Trinidad to finish her education and it was from there that she was recruited into the … Continue reading (fourth from left). Private Hackett was said to be engaged in mess-room duty following a domestic science course, while privates Nicholas and Deterville were following their previous occupations from back home, as telephone operators.

Small Group of six women – arrived July 1944

Shortly after the third main group set off from Trinidad, a small party of six women from British Honduras began their journey to Britain. They had been training in Jamaica for some considerable time, awaiting transport. Unlike the women before them, they began their journey by air. Flying by Pan American Airways, their route took them from Kingston, Jamaica, via Cuba to Miami, Florida. Four of the women arrived in Miami on 8th July and the other two on 10th July, From Miami they went by train to New York. Nadia Cattouse’s description of their eventful journey through the USA appears in an earlier article.

Their journey from New York to Britain was also different from those of previous groups. They sailed on the Queen Mary.

During the war the two massive Cunard liners, the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, had been requisitioned for war service. They were able to ferry 10,000 troops a week across the Atlantic (and sometimes many more). They didn’t sail in a convoy because they were faster than other ships and also faster than enemy submarines. If they had slowed down to the speed of ships in a convoy, they would have been prime targets for submarine attack. Therefore, the two ships always sailed alone, relying on their speed, continual zig-zag manoeuvres and signal intercepts to keep them out of range of U-boats. Neither the British nor US navies had sufficient escort vessels that were able to accompany the ships at their operating speed in bad weather, so they were only escorted in home waters near Britain, where the risks of U-boats and Luftwaffe patrol aircraft were too high.[6]See ‘The “Queens” as WWII Troopships’:  [accessed 23/11/2024]

Given that they sailed in a faster ship which could cross the Atlantic in less than six days, the six women – all from British Honduras (now Belize) – probably arrived before the third main party. They were soon on their way to Guildford for their initial training.

Vida H.E. Anderson British Honduras 33
Phyllis Joan Bradley British Honduras 22
Nadia Evadne Cattouse British Honduras 19
Rosita Marie Codd British Honduras 24
Grace Hermenia Jeffery British Honduras 23
Joan Dunnachie Murphy British Honduras 19

Nadia Cattouse recorded that her group was entertained to tea by the Duchess of Devonshire and that they also had a group photograph taken with the Duchess, ‘at the entrance to a club round the corner from Piccadilly’. Nadia searched for a copy of this photo for years, but unfortunately she never found it.

The Fourth Group – arrived August 1944

Those who arrived in this group came mostly from Jamaica, with five from British Honduras, and possibly one from the Bahamas, Pearl Grant, although she may have travelled separately. Their names were listed in the September edition of the WICC.

Eva M. Black Jamaica
Ursula Maud Burnett Jamaica 22
Louise Loraine Canton British Honduras 18
Olga Marie Canton British Honduras 20
Panzie Monica Lynch Clarke Jamaica 26
Mobrie Agatha Clarke Jamaica 21
Dora Mitchell Edwards Jamaica 24
Joyce Mary Edwards Jamaica 22
Ivy Mercedes Fisher Jamaica 18
Ann Matilda Gabourel British Honduras 21
Joyce Mae Gentles Jamaica 24
Lillian Ulrica Gongora British Honduras 21
Pearl Eugenie Grant Bahamas 22
Myrtle A. Heron Jamaica 24
Shenneth Jaritza Hinkson Jamaica 19
Lorriema Melba (Norma) Leacock British Honduras 20
Aileen Mercedes Lynch Jamaica 25
Joyce M. McLaughlin Jamaica 19
Esther C. McMorris Jamaica 23
Ariel Linda (Ditta) Murray Jamaica 31
Anne T. Oswin Jamaica 27
Brigid Moira O’Toole Jamaica 17
Maureen Denise O’Toole Jamaica 22
Corinne Jacqueline Owen Jamaica 24
Helen Laura Parkinson Jamaica 19
Amy Clair Reynolds Jamaica 20
Ruby C. Riley Jamaica
Nina Berneta (Christobel) Ritch Jamaica 25
Inez L. Salmon Jamaica 19
Evelyn M. Smith Jamaica
Ruby L. Smith Jamaica
Hazel L. Taylor Jamaica
Hyacinth May Thame Jamaica 32
Linnette Thompson Jamaica

The WICC reported that a photograph of the ‘party of girls from Jamaica and British Honduras…was specially taken for the CIRCULAR on their arrival at their receiving depot in London. The girls had previously visited the West India Committee Rooms, and later the same day left London for their training centre.’

From: West India Committee Circular, September 1944

A second picture in the same issue of WICC showed ‘some of these girls, and some earlier arrivals from the same two Colonies.’ This had been taken on 31st August, ‘after the girls had been entertained to tea by the Duke of Devonshire in his room at the Colonial Office’. The Duke had given a brief speech in which he assured the recruits that their presence in Britain to serve the common cause was greatly appreciated. Private Joyce Edwards, from Jamaica, replied that they were very grateful for the welcome given to them and, in concluding, said that ‘We like the food here and we are even getting used to the English weather.’

From: West India Committee Circular, September 1944
The Fifth Group – arrived 25th September 1944

Exact travel dates and details for the fifth and final group are sparse. As recorded by Louise Osbourne when interviewed by Ben Bousquet and Colin Douglas, they travelled to New York where they spent a few days. The fifth group also crossed the Atlantic on the Queen Mary – at the same time as Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill who was returning from the Octagon Conference, held in Quebec. The ship arrived at Greenock on 25th September.[7]

Eileen Burton St. Lucia 21
Barbara Carrington Tobago
Jeanne Carter Br. Guiana
Joyce Chu-Cheong Trinidad 21
Joyce Croney Trinidad
Theresa De Freitas Trinidad 26
Margaret De Nobriga Br. Guiana 21
Gwendoline Henrietta Eytle Br. Guiana 20
Ernestine Ferreira Barbados
Ira Josephine Fongenie Trinidad 31
Sarah Margaret Goddard Barbados 22
Eunice Gomes Br. Guiana
Dorothy Green Br. Guiana
Sheilah Green Br. Guiana
Phyllis Gregory Barbados
Marjorie Griffith Barbados
Doreen Hatt Trinidad
Natalie Johnson Br. Guiana
Olga McWatt Br. Guiana
Neola Sonia Massiah Trinidad
Gladys Mathew Trinidad
Louise Osbourne St. Lucia
Molly Ouckama Br. Guiana
Sheila Phillips Br. Guiana
Maisie Roberts Br. Guiana
Leonora Rosemin Trinidad
Elsie Seale Barbados
Margot Sinson Br. Guiana
Cecile St. Mois Jamaica
Grace Tyson Jamaica 19
Margorie Valere Trinidad
Zena Webber Trinidad
Myra Woodroffe Grenada 30

On 6th October, the fifth group was entertained to tea by the Duke of Devonshire at the Colonial Office, when the customary group photograph was taken.

From: West India Committee Circular, October 1944

This final group merited little mention in the WICC except for the photograph, although their names were listed in the regular ‘West Indians On Service’ column.

Pictured (back row) Marjorie Griffiths, Doreen Hatt, (front row) Elsie Seal, Theresa De Freitas, Louise Osborne.
Another photo of members of the fifth group.  Copyright: © IWM HU 55517

 From the details listed above, it looks as though the total number of women who came to join the ATS in and after July 1943 amounted to 157.

For those who are interested in such statistics, identifying how many of the Caribbean women who served were women of colour and how many were White is difficult. British records do not contain details of ‘race’. However, US authorities did collect such records. Passenger lists for women who passed through the USA on their way to Britain contain this information, though it has to be noted that sometimes the authorities seemed ‘confused’ when recording people of mixed heritage.

Louise Osborne, in her interview with Ben Bousquet and Colin Douglass, gave a useful description of the women in the fifth group. ‘Among us there were only two white girls – real white. The others, some of them were fair, and three of us were the darkest.’[8]West Indian Women at War, p.55.


Several of these women settled in Britain, some returned home, while some emigrated elsewhere. Like every aspect of Black British History, more research needs to be undertaken to find additional information about their experiences in Britain, and also to discover their stories after the war.

If anyone has any information to add to our knowledge, please let us know.

Thanks are due to Bill Hern for his help in researching genealogical details for several of the women.



1 Copies of the West India Committee Circular have been digitised and can be found online at
2 Ben Bousquet and Colin Douglas, West Indian Women at War: British Racism in World War II, Lawrence & Wishart, 1991.
3 Has this film survived?
4 WICC, August 1944, p.148
5 Eusabia Nassisus Florence Deterville, known as Flores, was born in Castries, St. Lucia.  She went to Trinidad to finish her education and it was from there that she was recruited into the ATS.  Flores married and settled in England after the war, and in 2005 she told her story to the BBC’s WW2 People’s War archive.
6 See ‘The “Queens” as WWII Troopships’:  [accessed 23/11/2024]
8 West Indian Women at War, p.55.