How long?

All three of the Historycal Roots team recently attended a ‘What’s Happening In Black British History?’ event hosted by Huddersfield University.

There was a packed programme of talks throughout the day and one of the speakers (Testament, writer of ‘Black Men Walking’) posed the question ‘How long? How long does there have to be a Black presence in Britain before Black people are simply accepted as ‘people’ without having to explain or justify their presence and facing a battle to be accepted?’

A number of the presentations were relevant to this question as they illustrated that Black people have been a sizeable part of the British community for centuries:

  • in regular regiments of the British Army since the 1700s (John Ellis, Historian and Teacher);
  • as members of the Yorkshire community dating back several centuries (Audrey Dewjee, Independent Historian);
  • as prisoners of war held at Porchester Castle between 1793 and 1814 (Abigail Coppins (Curator).

Of course it would have been possible to have sessions illustrating a Black presence in Roman and even pre-Roman times (maybe next time).

During a presentation delivered by Milton Brown (University of Huddersfield and Kirklees Local TV), one of the pre-recorded vox pop interviews featured a Black woman with a heavy Yorkshire accent saying that whenever she goes into a meeting the first question is always ‘where are you from?’. In a 45 year career in the civil service during which I must have attended thousands of meetings I don’t think I was ever asked that question. As a white male it was no doubt considered redundant but why does a Black person need to be ‘from’ anywhere? The question implies: you don’t belong here, you are not one of us, you must be from somewhere else.

The whole day was thought provoking and interesting and it was followed by a small party to mark the opening of an exhibition: ‘Let’s Play Vinyl’.

The ‘how long does it take?’question assumed a more personal perspective as two of us made our way from the hotel to Huddersfield station the following day. A passenger in a passing car hurled random racist abuse in our direction before speeding off. Was it the mix of Black and White that he found so offensive? We’ll never know as he didn’t stop to explain his ‘thought’ processes.

‘How long?’ indeed.

The Walker Brothers in … Barbados!

The Walker brothers were born and bred in Barbados so it seems right that a copy of the book ‘The Walker Brothers and Their Legacy – Three Black Soldiers in World War One’ should be held on the island and where better than the Barbados Museum’s prestigious Shilstone Memorial Library.

Bill Hern of Historycal Roots travelled to Barbados to hand across a copy of the book. He gave a presentation to the Barbados Museum and Historical Society in the beautiful Walled Garden of the Museum at the Garrison, St Michael. His presentation covered the Walker Brothers and also his journey last year to visit every World War 1 Commonwealth War Grave in Barbados.

He can be seen here presenting a copy of the book to Harriet Pierce Librarian at the Shilstone Memorial Library with Alissandra Cummins Director of the Museum and Historical Society looking on.

It’s good to know that the Walkers will be remembered forever on their home island of Barbados.

The Walker Brothers, Three Black Soldiers in …. Liverpool!

While we were in Liverpool recently we took the opportunity to present Ray Costello and Adam Duckworth with copies of our book about the Walker Brothers.

Ray’s book,  ‘Black Tommies’, was a major inspiration for our work:

And it was Adam Duckworth who first introduced us to the name of Ray Costello. Adam works in the Anthony Walker Education Centre at the International Slavery Museum where he does brilliant work with groups of local children:

We first met Adam a couple of years ago when we attended a workshop about Walter Tull that he had organised and it was a real pleasure to meet him again.



‘Black Salt’ exhibition at the Merseyside Maritime Museum

We can thoroughly recommend the ‘Black Salt’ exhibition at the Maritime Museum in Liverpool.

We had the pleasure of visiting it recently with Ray Costello who gave us a guided tour round the exhibits. As Ray curated the exhibition, we really couldn’t have asked for a more knowledgeable guide. In the picture below, Ray is seen standing next to a photo of his great grandfather, Albert James, a sailor from Bermuda who settled in Liverpool in the 1850s and married a local girl in 1873.

The exhibition presents the contribution Black British seafarers have made to some of the most significant maritime events of the past 500 years and the many thought-provoking exhibits and personal stories offer a unique insight into the overlooked history of Britain’s Black sailors.

One of the last exhibits, featuring Belinda Bennett, brings us bang to date as, in 2016, she became the first Black female captain working in the cruise industry.

If you can’t get to Liverpool (the exhibition is on at least until September) then Ray’s book ‘Black Salt – Seafarers of African Descent on British Ships’ is an excellent alternative.

Why Are West Indians Here?

Before going any further we should explain that ‘Why Are West Indians Here?’ is the name of a Birmingham-based project (WAWI) who have been doing good work for a number of years. You can visit their site here:

Bill Hern attended the Walter Tull remembrance event recently, an event that WAWI were instrumental in organising.

Actually, the question posed by the name of the project is one that we’ve been considering ourselves in the context of Windrush 70. The answer, of course, is that there is no single answer, people have been coming to the UK from the Caribbean for a whole host of reasons and for a very long time.

There is a lot of focus on the arrival of the Empire Windush in June 1948 and it has come to symbolise the start of a period of mass migtration that continued at least until the 1960s. But ‘symbolise’ is an important word in that sentence. The Windrush shouldn’t prevent us remembering people who came to the UK long before 1948.

Lionel Turpin, to name just one, came to England from British Guiana in time to enlist and serve in France during World War One. He lies in an unmarked grave in Leamington. His son, Randolph was to become a boxing world champion.

We don’t know when Eddie Parris came to the UK from his birthplace of Barbados but in 1909 he married a local girl and they lived together in Chepstow. Like Turpin, Eddie served his country during World War One and, also like Lionel, he fathered someone who went on to make a name for themselves in the world of sport (Eddie Parris Junior was Wales’ first Black international footballer).

But, returning to the Windrush, why did the people on board come to the UK and why did so many follow them in the next two decades?

One reason, certainly, was that there were few prospects in the Caribbean. It wasn’t just that Jamaica’s economy had been flattened, literally, by a devastating hurricane in 1944, the whole region was blighted by the dead hand of British imperialism. The young journalist, Peter Fryer, reporting on the arrival of the Windrush for the ‘Daily Worker’, wrote: ‘when I went on board I asked scores of men why they had come to Britain. Practically every one gave the same answer – unemployment and low wages “back home” and the prospect of a good job in Britain.’ [‘The Daily Worker’ 23rd June 1948]

Cy Grant, originally from British Guiana (who served with Bomber Command during the 2nd World War), commented on: ‘the unbroken flatness of the physical landscape, along with a pervading sense of colonial stagnation seemed to impose limits on my future horizons. I had to escape.’ [‘Caribbean Volunteers at War’ by Mark Johnson, page 2]

James Berry, a poet who arrived in October 1948 aboard the SS Orbita, had something similar to say: ‘what I needed was opportunity, in my village there was no opportunity. People were never going to make it.’  [‘Keep on Moving’ by Tony Sewell]

Others were clear they were only staying in UK long enough to earn some money before returning home to the Caribbean (or so they thought). Euton Christian, who had served in the RAF during the war, said of the first wave of migrants: ‘they expected to come here, to find a job, to find a home. And in about four or five years, they earn enough money to go back … they’re not coming here into this cold country to live indefinitely, a short period , get some money, go back home. But it never happened.’ [‘Windrush’ by Mike and Trevor Phillips, page 71]

As Stuart Hall, who came to England in 1951 to study at Oxford as a Rhodes scholar, commented: ‘they began to put down roots very, very quickly, of course. And, you know, the more roots you put down, the harder they are to pull up. You don’t quite know when that tip over point arrives when you are on this side.’ [‘Windrush’ by Mike and Trevor Phillips, page 139]. I know that my own in-laws still spoke fondly of ‘returning home’ when I first met them in 1979, probably some twenty or so years after they came to England – it was just a dream and I think by then, with two children born here, they knew it.

For others perhaps it was just the universal wanderlust felt by young men (and women)  everywhere: ‘one of the reasons for my desire to travel was that I didn’t want to be under my parents’ footsteps’ [Edwin Ho, British Guiana, quoted in ‘Keep on Moving’ by Tony Sewell]. The fact that he had been ‘about to get married and in a heavy night of gambling I lost all our savings of around 35,000 dollars’ may have given his departure aboard the Windrush an added urgency!

Others on board, a group of boxers brought to the UK by a promoter and various musicians, may have traveled because travel between fights or gigs was a natural part of the industry they worked in. In future work we intend to look at the boxers and musicians in more detail to see how their careers progressed and whether they put down roots in the UK.

Hopefully as the Windrush 70 project develops we will learn more of the pioneers’ motivation as well as what happened to them when they arrived – at least two, Allan Wilmot and Alford Gardner, are still alive and kicking (see our earlier post: ‘Two Windrush Pioneers – Still Going Strong After 70 Years’). They certainly seem happy with the decision to come.


Calypso in the Abbey

I wonder how many times in its history Westminster Abbey has hosted live calypso?!

As part of this year’s celebrations leading up to Commonwealth Day Alexander D’Great did a session at the Abbey. He sang two really powerful songs: one about remembering our heroes, the troops from the Caribbean, who fought in World War One; and the second which started off as Lord Kitchener’s famous ‘London is the Place For Me’ but segued into Alexander’s own, undeniably less optimistic, song about the Windrush generation and their experiences following their arrival in the ‘Mother Country’.

After his songs he invited the audience to join him in writing a calypso on the spot. It was remarkable how many timid souls got up and left at this point. Those who stayed, mostly families with young children came up with a call and response song with the refrain ‘here we are in Westminster Abbey’. The result was creditable given the very limited time available and it just shows what a versatile medium calypso is.

I would have included a recording of Alex’ performance but unfortunately there was building work going on in another part of the Abbey and the noise of hammering and drilling was a bit intrusive. A pity, but it was obvious that the children (and their grown ups) who participated really enjoyed the experience.

Alex really is tireless in his efforts to promote calypso. You can find examples of his work on YouTube but also in the post just below this one (on the ‘News’ page) where you can see him singing ‘Heroes’.


Walter Tull Remembered

Bill Hern of Historycal Roots attended The Walter Tull Memorial service held at the Assemblies of the First Born Church in Lozells, Birmingham on 25 March 2018.

The event commemorated the 100th anniversary of Walter’s death in World War 1. Walter played football for Clapton, Tottenham Hotspur and Northampton and was one of the first black officers in the British Army.

The service was led by Reverend Dr Desmond Jaddoo with a major contribution from the ‘Why Are West Indians In this Country?’ project (WAWI). Cyrille Regis, one of the most recognisable faces of Black football from the 1970s and 80s, who died in January, was represented by his daughter Michelle who made a moving speech about her father and his faith.

The congregation was reminded that Walter Tull had been recommended for the Military Cross. The recommendation arose from his time serving in Italy and was made by his Commanding Officer, Major General Lawford, who wrote this: “I wish to place on record my appreciation of your gallantry and coolness. You were one of the first to cross the river [the Piave in Northern Italy] prior to the raid on 1st & 2nd Jan.1918 and during the raid you took the covering party of the main body across and brought them back without a casualty in spite of heavy fire.”  But, in spite of Lawford’s recommendation and praise, the medal was never awarded.

A letter, signed by over 120 MPs, has been sent to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Defence asking that this situation be rectified. David Lammy, MP for Tottenham, has led on this and is on record as saying; “His [Walter’s] service on behalf of this country was immense. The records suggest great gallantry, great bravery and a kind of coolness. He saved people’s lives, he fought incredibly hard, died young. I think he should be remembered, and the only reason he’s not remembered is because at that time there was extraordinary prejudice towards even having a black man in our armed forces, and certainly towards that black man being a second lieutenant and leading other men.”

Let’s hope the letter has a positive response and Walter’s family can be awarded the medal he earned by sacrificing his life 100 years ago.


Vincent Reid, Windrush pioneer – ‘I was friendless’

As the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush approaches, the Historycal Roots team have been busying themselves revisiting the ship’s arrival at Tilbury on 21st June 1948 (the passengers actually stepped ashore on 22nd).

There was a really good TV series that aired 20 years ago that still makes for fascinating viewing today. The first two parts are available on YouTube, you can watch Part 1 here:

A book was produced based on the series and we were lucky enough to meet one of the authors, Mike Phillips, recently. As he commented when he signed our copy: ‘twenty years and still relevant’.

It’s all too easy to forget what it was actually like for the pioneers who arrived in 1948. One quote in the above programme comes from Vincent Reid, at 13, one of the youngest passengers to disembark:

‘Growing up, I could go for days without seeing another Black person and as for White friends, I couldn’t really say I had White friends because no one ever invited me to their home. Never. So, basically, in a sense, I was friendless.’


It’s so hard to imagine what his childhood must have been like.

One of the things we have done at Historycal Roots is construct a searchable database of the information that was recorded by the authorities at the time the ship docked. The raw data is available at (if you have a paid subscription) or free at the National Archives at Kew. Ancestry have transcribed the data themselves but, as we discovered as we did our own transcription, Ancestry’s data is incomplete and not easily searched.

The HR database suggests that a number of the ‘facts’ that are in circulation about the Windrush passengers are plain wrong and we will be returning to this over the coming weeks and months.

Brothers In Arms

The subject of Black brothers who served together in the First World War is one that particularly interests us at Historycal Roots. Our book about the Walker Brothers documents the only example that has yet come to light of three brothers who served. We are sure there must be other examples but, for now, they remain hidden.

Today we have added a page to the ‘Forgotten History’ section of this site. It is about the Tull brothers: Walter (whose story is quite well documented); William; and Edward. The stories of William and Edward are less well known.

   (William Tull, aged about 10)

William served in the Royal Engineers as a sapper. He died after the war but his final resting place in Folkestone is marked by a Commonwealth War Graves Commission headstone. He and Walter therefore both served. The new page sets out the known facts about William’s life. It is possible to piece together a reasonable picture of his time in the Folkestone area up to the 1911 census but, unfortunately, very little is known about his army service or how he came to die.

Edward did not undertake military service so far as we know and so, although there were three Tull brothers, only two of them enlisted.

There are other examples of two Black brothers: the Manleys (Norman, who lived to become Prime Minister of Jamaica and Roy who was killed in action); the Bemands (George Edward Kingsly and Harold Leslie, who were both killed in action); and the Vignales (Otho Rudolph and Ralph Ernest who have their own page in the ‘Forgotten History’ section of this site).

The Bemands are commemorated on the war memorial at Dulwich College in South London where they were schooled:


It is only in recent years that these stories have started to come to light thanks to the research of authors like Stephen Bourne and Ray Costello (whose ‘Black Tommies’ is a book we can highly recommend if you have an interest in this subject).

We don’t doubt that there are many more stories waiting to be uncovered and would love to hear from anyone with a story to tell.

Two Windrush Pioneers – Still Going Strong After 70 Years

It was a real pleasure to see Allan Wilmot at a recent Windush 70 event and to hear him speaking about his experiences. I have heard him speak before but I never tire of  his stories. He drew gasps of admiration from a packed audience in Clapham’s West Indian Army Service Personnel club when he said that he had used the royalties from the Southlanders hit ‘The Mole in a Hole’ (punchline: ‘I am a mole and I live in a hole’) to buy a car. Not just any car, a white jaguar convertible.

Needless to say, the sight of a young Black man driving home from gigs in such a car in the early hours of the morning attracted the attention of the constabulary. Having been followed regularly and stopped a number of times, one night he got out of the car when he got home and, when asked by a policeman what his job was, he calmly said ‘burglar’. A risky strategy and not one I’d recommend, but he followed it up by inviting the police in for a coffee. When they saw all the publicity shots of the Southlanders on his living room walls they ended up asking for his autograph!

There can’t be many survivors of that original Windrush voyage now, Allan Wilmot is 92 ‘but I’m aiming for a hundred,’ he said. Another survivor is Alford Gardner, also 92, who has recently given a number of interviews to journalists from various illustrious papers and magazines, but none more illustrious than Historycal Roots’ very own Bill Hern.

Bill’s interview was part of the Windrush 70 Project which aims to celebrate the contributions of the Windrush generation and debunk myths that have grown up around the ship and those on board.

Bill writes: ‘Imagine if you could listen to someone describe events like the Battle of Hastings or the Great Fire of London, someone who had witnessed the events at first hand. History would feel more real and more accurate.

During the interview, Alford described his childhood in 1930s Jamaica, his time in the RAF during World War 2 and the excitement when he learned of the coming of the Windrush: ”word came that there was a ship coming to Jamaica, to the West Indies, for men who wanted to come to England to work.”

Having scraped together the £28 10 shilling fare (with help from the bank of Mum and Dad!) Alford enjoyed the voyage, in the company of famed calypsonians Lord Kitchener and Lord Beginner (‘if it move they did a calypso about it’), very much.

As soon as the Windrush docked at Tilbury, Alford and three of his friends headed for Leeds where Alford had studied as part of his RAF-sponsored training after the War. They had hardships to overcome but Alford has always seen the positive side of life. He went on to marry, have 8 children and even set up a Caribbean cricket team that played in the Yorkshire Central League.

It was a real privilege to meet Alford and his eldest son Howard. The interview was regularly punctuated by Alford’s infectious laughter as he recalled major events from his long and happy life.

Alford is still fit and healthy and he was a guest of honour at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds on 7 February 2018 when the Phoenix Dance Theatre presented “Windrush: Movement of the People” a major new dance production described as “a lively celebration of the rise of multicultural Britain. Windrush spans the spirit, history and heritage of British Caribbean culture, celebrating the 70th anniversary of the first Caribbean immigrants to the UK.” After Leeds, the show will move to: Keswick (20th February); Cheltenham (27th February); Doncaster (7th March); Leicester (9th-10th March); and London (26th-28th April). The reviews for the Leeds production were excellent – Alford and his son certainly enjoyed it.

Bill asked Alford his secret for leading such a long and happy life. He said “I haven’t allowed anything to bother me. When I worked, I worked hard. I’ve looked after my family, they’ve all grown up nicely. I’m happy they are happy and as long as they are happy I’m happy.” ‘

At the Clapham event, someone asked how things had turned out for the Windrush pioneers, clearly in the cases of Allan and Alford, the answer is very well indeed!